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The College Credit Plus dual enrollment program allows students to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. CCP提高学生的大学准备和中学后的成功, while providing a variety of course options to the college-ready student. 被录取的学生可以在非盟主校区学习课程, 网上或我们合作的高中.

准学生必须上传完整的 CCP permission slip to their application's status page before they will be considered for admission. 查看如何上传权限单的说明.

有关完整的程序规则,请参阅 俄亥俄州高等教育部网站.

Please be aware that the subject matter of some courses may include mature topics or materials of a graphic, explicit, 暴力或性. Courses will not be modified for CCP students regardless of where course instruction occurs. Parents should contact collegecreditplus@sh-fyz.com 如果他们想要求复习课程材料.


Application Deadlines

How to Apply

申请时请使用您的个人电子邮件地址. 不输入高中的电子邮件地址. 许多学校的网络设置屏蔽了来自外界的信息. As a result, you may never receive your admission letter with registration instructions if you enter your high school email address.

如果你在1-2周内没有收到CCP的回复, please double-check that your admission letter did not go to your spam folder, then contact collegecreditplus@sh-fyz.com,因为我们可能会错过做出决定所需的信息.

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Admission Requirements

Admission to the CCP program will be granted to the student who satisfies the requirements of either pathway below.

CCP录取不保证在任何课程中安排. Students must be able to meet all placement and prerequisite guidelines.

Authorized students in grades 7-12 who are enrolled in Ohio public schools, nonpublic high schools, or homeschooled may choose to participate in the CCP program at Ashland University. (未经授权的学生包括, but are not limited to, 不参加交换项目的外国学生, out-of-state students and students coded as unauthorized through EMIS).


Minimum 2.50 unweighted cumulative* high school GPA, plus one of the following assessment scores:

  • 18 ACT Composite
  • 970 SAT
  • 以下Accuplacer分数之一:
    • 250 Reading
    • 263 Writing
    • 263定量推理、代数与统计(QAS)


  • Minimum 3.高中的未加权累积绩点为00
  • 2.85 – 2.99 GPA unweighted cumulative* high school GPA with grades of “A” or “B” in the 相关课程领域.

AU defines the 相关课程领域 比如数学、英语、科学和社会研究.

*A cumulative 高中GPA必须至少包括一个 final grade in each 的相关课程领域.

Students who have not yet earned a final grade in each 的相关课程领域 must currently have As and Bs only in those areas and take the Accuplacer Reading exam. A copy of the student’s grade card with grades for all the grading periods for the current school year to date should be sent by the school to collegecreditplus@sh-fyz.com.


Required Action: The student should schedule the Accuplacer (Reading section) and score 250+ to be admitted.

Example: A freshman student applies to the CCP program before final grades have been posted at the end of the school year and has As or Bs in each 的相关课程领域 on their grade card.
Required Action: The student should schedule the Accuplacer (Reading section) and score 250+ to be admitted.

Example: A student does not yet have a cumulative* HS GPA with final grades in each 的相关课程领域. 该学生参加了Accuplacer阅读部分,并取得了250+的成绩. The student’s grade card demonstrates at least one C or lower in a relevant coursework area.
Decision: The student does not yet qualify for admission due to not having all As and Bs in the relevant areas, 不管Accuplacer的分数如何.

Accuplacer Testing

While AU has both traditional (with test scores) and test-optional (without test scores) admission pathways, 在某些情况下,你可能需要服用Accuplacer.

  • 如果你高中的平均绩点是3.0 or higher and you will be at least a high school sophomore during your first term as a CCP student, 除非你想学数学,否则你不需要考Accuplacer. If you have completed Algebra II in high school and wish to take math through AU, 安排QAS部分.
  • 如果你的高中GPA在2分之间.500 and 2.999 而且你没有合格的ACT或SAT成绩, 请安排参加Accuplacer的三个部分:阅读, Writing, and QAS (math).
  • Young CCP students (初中生) who have not taken the ACT/SAT and should arrange to take the Reading section.


We will accept Accuplacer scores from another college if you have taken the Reading, Writing, or QAS sections. AU不接受WritePlacer或数学AAF部分. 请让你的学校辅导员把你的成绩报告寄到 au-transcripts@sh-fyz.com.

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已经被非盟大学学分加分项目录取? Then the Next Steps page is where you find all the information about setting up your AU accounts, attending orientation, 安排课程等.


Course Transferability

From the Academic Catalog:

CCP students may transfer credit from an accredited institution of higher learning provided he or she is in good conduct, financial standing, 学业至少得2分.25/4.在上一所大学的累积绩点为0分.

Credit earned through a recognized accredited college or university will be accepted at Ashland University as long as the credit earned is "C-" or better. The grade that will appear on student records is a “K” and has no impact on your Ashland University cumulative GPA. Credits will be awarded for specific Ashland University courses when transferable credits are for equivalent courses. When the transferable courses do not have Ashland University equivalents, 学分将作为“选修”学分授予. A candidate for a degree must take a minimum of 30 semester hours at Ashland University. The last 12 hours of coursework and at least one half of the student's work in his or her major field must be taken at AU.

学生可以通过访问获得非正式的学分评估 www.transferology.com 或通过电子邮件发送至本科招生办公室 enrollme@sh-fyz.com.

While Ashland University does not formally participate in Ohio's "Statewide Articulation and Transfer Policy," the Transfer Module is one basis for evaluating course equivalencies when transferring general education courses to meet Institutional Baccalaureate Requirement.

Contact Information

Email our team at collegecreditplus@sh-fyz.com.